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Information Commons - Library: ARTICLES & DATABASES

What is an academic database?

An academic database is an online platform that provides access to resources like scholarly journals, articles, books, and reports. The platforms generally have a search box to type key terms/ phrases into and includes limiters to further narrow your search (e.g., by subject, subtopic, publication date, author, title, etc.). These databases are accessible to students through their college/university's required student credentials.

Virtual Library Databases

The Library provides access to a variety of databases that contain collections of articles that published in trustworthy academic journals. Some databases cover many subject areas and other databases are targeted for a specific subject--psychology, business, education, etc.--and provide more in-depth coverage.


Link to all available databases

Multi-Disciplinary Databases

Health and Medicine Databases

Education Databases

Psychology and Social Work Databases

Business, News, and Miscellaneous Databases

Business, News, and Miscellaneous Databases

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