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Information Commons - Library: MISSION

Our Mission

The Mission of St. Augustine College Library is to provide essential and high-quality instructional support materials, facilities, and services to the students, faculty, and staff of St. Augustine across all programs. Developing in our community members the informational literacy skills necessary to achieve their educational goals, to acquire and utilize information, and to empower them to become successful lifelong learners. The library supports an environment of free and critical thought to realize the goals of a bilingual, metropolitan, and multicultural college.

During COVID-19 our tutoring platform has been primarily on-line; however, if you have in-person tutoring needs please add that to your request and we will work with you to meet your needs.  Please know that the Tutoring Center is here to support students as they navigate their way through online learning and beyond. Below is a general guide to the SAC Tutoring Center process as well as a variety of resources to help assist students in their academic studies. 

Our Core Values


The Library is committed to actively listening and sharing information the St. Augustine community as openly as possible.

Transparency & Accountability:

The Library is committed to be as transparent in all actions and procedures as possible, and to being fully accountable to the college communities.


All members of the St. Augustine College community shall have free and unrestricted access to all information provided directly or indirectly by the library, regardless of technology, format, or methods of delivery, should be readily, equally, and equitably accessible to all library users, and available in formats that fit their needs. With no discrimination on the basis of race, age, values, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, cultural or ethnic background, physical, sensory, cognitive or learning disability, economic status, religious beliefs, or views.


The Library asserts that protection of user confidentiality and privacy is an essential cornerstone of intellectual discovery and freedom.

Intellectual Freedom: It is the Library’s duty to contest encroachments upon intellectual freedom by individuals or groups seeking to impose their own standards or tastes upon the community at large; and by the government whenever it seeks to reduce or deny public access to public information.

Civic and Community Engagement:

Academic libraries contribute to the community good by promoting literacy, information literacy, and local advocacy. The Library will engage with local libraries, social service organizations, our community members, and our neighbors. Reaching out to the community is essential in creating the wider interpersonal and emotional connections that building a strong base of external funding. The St. Augustine College Library, thanks to our historic location and landmark buildings, is uniquely positioned to deeply and truly engage with our wider communities to the benefit of our college.

Outreach and Collaboration:

As part of engaging and collaborating with our communities the Library takes a proactive stance and will actively look for and will be open to receiving new ideas and methods of improving library services and increased collaboration with students, faculty, staff, and the community.

Excellence and Professionalism:

Developing high quality collections, resources, services, and facilities in support of the academic mission of the College and by practicing competence, resourcefulness, and respect in the services and programs that we offer.

Need Help?

Have questions? Need help with research? The St. Augustine College Library is here to help!





Nuestra Misión en español